
         On February 23, 2018 - Today was the last day that I had to teach in SMP Muhammudiyah 3 Purworkerto. It sounded sad and I did not want to come back to my country. I thought it was very short time but it was fulfill by good feeling and many experiences.
         Firstly, I joined with my students to walk around school because this was the activity on Fridays. All students had to walk for exercising in the morning and donated money from another people. It was good activity and useful for students.

            Next, I  went to every classes that I taught for giving some snack to my students. I went to classes 7A and said good bye with them. Then I went to classes 7B, 7C, 7D, 8B and 8D for saying fare well to them.

             Later, I gave to some souvenirs for the head master, my school supervisor, teacher who take care me and pick me up to school everyday and my friends from IAIN who were trainee students. They were very kind, friendly and openhanded. They made me feel like my family. I felt warm and safety and also I was not nervous with teaching in school because They helped to support me.

            Finally, I wanted to tell that I think one month was very short time, but it was full of love, helping, kindness, funny, experiences and wonderful friendship. SEA TEACHER Project gave me more experience than I thought. I never felt sad or made a mistake for joining this project. All of us must dare out of the comfort zone to better experiences which were meaningful and were imprinted. Thank you everyone for everything. See you later.






Day 5