Day 5

Day 5
                On February 2nd, 2018 - today is the first day that I go to SMP 3 Muhammadiyah Purworkerto. The students and teacher was excited and very surprised when they met me so it made me feel joyful and fresh. I introduced myself with all of teacher firstly and than I joined 2 classes with my school supervisor for greeting and talking my students in next week. I tough them 3 basic sentences in Thai, Bahasa and English at same time such as Hello, thank you and you're welcome. The students pay more attention. Besides, I asked all of them to introduce themselves and they show their respect in their cultural style one by one.

                In addition, some of students sang a song for welcome me. They are so kind and confident and also they have nice voice. I was not only surprised but I am pleased. Thank you guys.

                Next, I came back guest house in noon because every Friday has a little activities and had less classes. On this day, they focused on developing activities such as big cleaning day and sport day. Students was able to relax and rest soon. Therefore, I can come back earlier. Finally, Thank you for wonderful moment, amazing experiences and warm welcome. I couldn't forget this time and this moment.



